Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Saved a ton of money on my health insurance...

By dropping my husband!

(You've got nothing on me little Gecko)

I have STILL insured him to the tune of $400 to $600 dollars a month (depending on the number of pay periods) up until tomorrow. Crazy I know...But there was NO WAY OUT!

Until tomorrow!

Each year we are offered the opportunity to make changes...

I made mine!

And since I was in a "Deleting Mood"...I deleted quite a few numbers from my phone...

You know people that I no longer talk to or that annoy the shit out of me...

I Deleted those people... JUST.LIKE.THAT!

Also...I cleaned out my closet and am selling fancy purses that I don't use on eBay.

And... yesterday I had another 4 inches cut off my hair.



Stereos and Souffles said...

So proud of you!!!!!!!!!

Life, Love And Lola said...

S & S,

I'm calling...

morewineplease said...

I LOL'd at your first sentence, I had to read it to hubby!
Good for you lady!

Anonymous said...

Isn't it great to do that sometimes!!?! Congrats to you!

Newlywed said...

That is what I call liberating!!! (I bet your hair looks super cute!)

Newlywed said...

P.S. Can you say "More money for rum drinks on the big island?????".

Lifein Beverly Hills said...


OG said...

Change is good.

OG said...

Change is good.

Anonymous said...

Nice job!!!!

Anonymous said...

Changes are invigorating!! Congrats.

What are you going to do with your purse money? More purses & shoes? :)

kat said...

So happy you get all that extra cash.With the increase in cigarette prices you will have just enough to pay for them :)

Life, Love And Lola said...

Dear All,

The extra $$$ will go towards shoes!

FO SHO!!!!

old guy said...


Life, Love And Lola said...

Old Guy,

I love that you have a title! Now start a blog! You too Molly!

Shannie said...

Change IS good! Yay! Good for you, sista! Glad you are doing some things for YOU. XO

Live.Love.Eat said...

Nothing like a little spring cleaning EVERYWHERE, mentally, physically. Good for you!!!!!