Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Congratulations Are In Order!!!

Our friend Facebook has informed me that my soon to be ex recently proposed to his virtual girlfriend with a virtual engagement ring online.

Awwww! How romantic! Although I do think it's kinda jumping the gun considering we aren't officially divorced yet...Who knows maybe a virtual baby is on the way???

Mind you getting him to cooperate during the tail end of this divorce has been like trying to yank teeth from an alligator! He has been dragging his feet about signing papers and dodging phone calls religiously.

Guess cuz he's too busy beefing up his mafia and planning a wedding on facebook!

Don't get me wrong if he has found happiness in the virtual world...

I'm thrilled!

Mainly because it keeps him out of my real life!

But come on already...

He needs to tell his mafia he's taking the day off, send his virtual fiancee dress shopping and sign the Marital Settlement Agreement that should arrive in the mail today...

So that I can live happily ever after in my real life...


Jan @ Struck by Serendipity said...

For the record, I would say "no" to a virtual ring. That's crazy.

My ex got engaged the week after he begged me to take him back. What's up with these messed up guys?

Heather@WHMB said...

Wow....clearly this virtual world is much easier to live in than reality!

You're almost there!!! :)

kk said...

Does a "virtual" divorce hold any water???

hang in there, it's virtually over (sorry, couldn't help myself!)

Always Organizing said...

I'm not really sure what to say except that I hate all those dumbass FB applications. The virtual engagement ring takes the cake though...

Newlywed said...

I am virtually laughing. This jackass cannot make it in the real world so he has turned to a virtual one! Wow. I guess whatever works!

The Blonde Duck said...

Popped in from SITS!

At least you don't have to send a virtual gift.

Stella's World said...

I'm torn......part of me thinks this is hysterical and part of me thinks it's beyond pathetic....how would you know this? You didn't friend him did you?

Life, Love And Lola said...

No Comet...I didn't "friend" him. He requested my friendship...therefore I was able to see his page. No worries...He's private now thanks to this blog post...Although now we'll never know the sex of the virtual baby. DAMN!

S3XinthePantry said...

My friends ex begged her to take him back, when she said 'no' he got engaged to someone else.

i think some people really wanna be married - even if it's only on FB!!

He'll sign, it's only a matter of time!

Cheers to your happily ever after!