Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I'm learning...

That I kind of suck at being a girlfriend.

Truth be told I think it's just easier to be a wife.

As I've said before I liked being a wife.

I'm not saying that being a wife was a piece of cake...

Especially if you were married to my ex husband!

I'm just finding that I am having to relearn this whole dating thing and it's a lot fuckin harder than I remember.

I think there's something about that little piece of paper...You know the marriage license...that keeps us from sweating the "small stuff" in our relationships.

The boyfriend and I have had our share of hiccups over the last 8 months.

Don't get me wrong our good times far outweigh the bad...and more importantly I completely adore him and can't imagine the last 8 months without him.

I actually think most of our hiccups are because we are SO much alike...

The only real difference that we have is that he is very set in his ways and I'm more of a fly by the seat of your pants...that has definitely caused a few. For instance...He's always on time or early...and I'm ALWAYS 5 to 10 minutes late...and if I get side may not see me at all.

I'll chalk a couple of our hiccups up to us both having Italian in our blood...which makes us both a little headstrong...something that has never worked to my advantage considering I'm also a Taurus!

And then there is me...Who can't remember how to be a girlfriend!

Any advice?

Cuz I want to be rid of these hiccups.


Bethany said...

I think you gave yourself advice! You said it yourself don't sweat the small stuff! Brush off the little fights or actually stop them before they get to actual fights. Most importantly - have fun being his girlfriend! If the fun dies so do relationships!

PaperCourt said...

My husband is set in his ways too....we've been married for 10 years and he still hates it when I fly by the seat of my pants. My defense is "you knew that about me when you married me." Childish, I know, but I'm sticking with it.

Advice...I've got nothin' for ya.


Little Ms Blogger said...

Oh....I know exactly what you're going through. I was married to ex for 15 years and then when dating after divorce, I worried about stupid stuff that I'd wouldn't even think about while married.

Don't worry, if he's the right guy, you find your rhythm.

Always Organizing said...

I don't know that I have any good advice for you, but I think every relationship is like this until you hit your stride. I remember when the hubs and I were first dating and I recall the drama here and there before we really "got" how each other worked. It just takes time...

Stereos and Souffles said...

Oh F*& shouldn't be that hard. XOXO

Shannie said...

You'll figure it out! And you'll have lots of fun trying... But, I agree with you, being married is a lot easier in some respects! (Unless it's to certain people who shall not be named.)

Live.Love.Eat said...

Maybe he can start being 2 minutes late and you can be 2 minutes early and meet in the middle.

I hope you work it all out!!!!!

Stella's World said...

I'll tell you what I think in private

Jan @ Struck by Serendipity said...

Are you alive?! :)

The Mrs. said...

Where are you doll!? I say to just be easy on yourself!