Thursday, February 21, 2008

Why Lola deserves credit...

A lot of the blogs that I read are those of stay at home moms. Most of my friends are stay at home mom's too. I firmly believe having children has to be the toughest job on the planet. Stay at home moms deserve a lot of credit!! I however am a working dog mom and Lola is the light of my life! She is a wonderful companion, an excellent guard dog (stay away from our lanai you dangerous birds and evil bunny rabbits), and the best running partner ever. She came into my life after unexpectedly losing my dog that I had since college . Since then, LIFE IS GOOD.....LIFE IS A DOG!


Etiquettely Correct said...

Dogs are the best! You should post some pictures of her.

Life, Love And Lola said...

Will post pictures soon. Just started my blog today. Any blogging pointers? I'm very new at this. Congratulations on your upcoming wedding. My husband and I are celebrating 5 yrs soon. Don't stress. Enjoy every moment!!