Saturday, September 27, 2008

Friendship Is...

When your neighbor wakes up at 7:00 AM on a Saturday and...

Hand waters your lawn (because you have freshly laid sod).

Allows you to sleep in (cuz he knows you partied your face off last night as he was there).

Comes over when you finally awake at 9:00 AM (and doesn't mention that you look like you've been shot at and missed and shit at and hit).

Freezes a wart off your arm with the Wartner product he bought for you (most likely cuz he's tired of hearing you bitch about it).

Brings your dog out to potty (cuz she's about to piss her fur pants and you are still on your first cup of coffee).

Changes out the batteries in your smoke detectors (cuz the chirping is annoying the shit out of you and you are afraid to get up on a ladder).

All because you can't function!


Stella's World said...

What a sweetie pie! I love him AND you!

morewineplease said...

you better keep him around.. I may just steel him!

High on Hairspray said...

Damn your lucky. I want him as my neighbor!!!

kat said...

The old guy rocks. My neighbors suck.

FROGGITY! said...

Wow! That's being neighborly! I want one too! Where do I sign up? :) Cheers!

Ms. Florida Transplant said...

Is your neighbor for hire?? :)

Live.Love.Eat said...

Wow, that is super cool of him. It's nice you have good people around you!!!!

Dee said...

Hi, came from Shannies site.
Wow, what a great neigbour. Everyone needs one of those.

Dee said...

Oh, and after frequenting Shannies site, I think maybe you should hide your neighbour... I hear she's looking for one.