Friday, September 19, 2008

Mystery Solved

So I've solved the panty mystery!

He has actually been involved with this classy tramp who left her panties in his car since late July. She's an addict too.

He had already given me 100 reasons to leave him...So this was just the icing on the cake.

I pulled our cell phone records. You should read these text messages. I can't write what they said. As it would surely result in some pervs ending up in here.

I will tell you though that while going over the phone bill I realized that he had gone over on his text message allowance.

So I informed him that everytime he texted her after he was done masturbating cost him 15 cents.


Anonymous said...

Okay, I know that it's not funny AT ALL, but that last line made me spit my coffee... (My Venti Cinnamon Dolce Latte to be exact!) What a LOSER. Seriously. XOXOXO

Life, Love And Lola said...

It was suppose to make you laugh! I laughed after I got off the phone with him. I like that we can all laught at his expense!

Ms. Florida Transplant said...

I'll ditto the Jackass with a capital J. What's with guys being bastards this year?

Anonymous said...

I too laughed out loud at that last sentence. Priceless.

kat said...

his phone must be sticky.

The Rockin' Wife said...

Seriously, who leaves their panties, ANYWHERE? I mean really.
And guys are so dumb. Make him PAY, honey.

Stella's World said...

Can't unload him fast ebough.

morewineplease said...

#1 how in the hell can see what he is messaging.. do I live in a cave?
#3 that's funny shit that you said that!

Muffy Willowbrook said...

Hmmm....I would bet she's not even worth the $0.15.

Live.Love.Eat said...

Jeez, I see I have really missed out on the juicy stuff while I have been MIA.