Sunday, December 28, 2008


Here's what's been going on in my world...

*I didn't get a fire extinguisher for Christmas, or 8 like I was promised.

*I did however get an electric grill. I guess Santa was watching the day I nearly blew myself up earlier this year while trying to light the gas one. Thanks Santa!

*I'm happy.

*Christmas at Lola's House was a success. We were surrounded by loving family, good friends and only had to endure one shitty relative who tends to be a complete downer. My Mom says "His glass is 95% half empty!" He's the reason her and I keep our glasses FULL!

*I bought another Christmas tree. Pre-lit, lime green, sparkly and on sale! So next year I will have 6!

*The Old Guy next door saved the day by fixing my disposal that was clogged cuz someone (not me) tried to shove too much shit in it. So we are adding plumber to his resume.

*Speaking of The Old Guy...I beat him on the court again.

*We went to the drums at the beach last night and I witnessed a drunk guy attempting to dance to the beat with no shirt and one sock on. That was pure entertainment. Seriously, I could have watched him for hours. And who wears socks to the beach? Better question... Who wears one sock to the beach?

*I'm happy.

*My Mom has informed me that her and I are going to Hawaii in May. She didn't however mention that she was paying for the trip...So I'm adding "save money for Hawaii" to my list of New Years Resolutions.

*I've become a farmer...minus the farm. Guess you could call me a lanai farmer. And some nights when the wind is blowing just right I can hear the cows mooing from my lanai. I'm growing tomatoes, jalapenos, cilantro, basil and strawberries.

Hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are doing well, my friend! You deserve nothing but happy, happy!!!! I hope 2009 delivers nothing but!

PaperCourt said...

Merry Christmas! I'm so glad you're happy!

Ms. Florida Transplant said...

Sounds like you had a great holiday! I'm glad you're happy and doing well!

Live.Love.Eat said...

Wow. Ok, you're happy and I am so happy that you are. And 6 trees, holy cow. Which brings me to your lanai garden. Awesome. But Hawaii in May takes the cake. Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

morewineplease said...

Happy is good pretty lady!!

Live.Love.Eat said...

Thank you for that recipe and comment. Love ya for it! It's going to make such a nice gift!!!! So, does it need to be refrigerated?

Anonymous said...

Everything is coming up roses for you! Yippee! Let me know how the garden goes...I am going to try my hand at it next spring.