Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Dear 2008,

I hope that you don't find my breaking up with you in this letter as insincere.

I thought about texting you. However, I don't feel that is an acceptable form of communicating as do some people.

We've been together for a long time...

A year to be exact, and I felt that I owed it to you to express why I am leaving you.

After many sleepless nights and plenty of alone time to gather my thoughts I've decided that we weren't meant to be. Seriously, if you sit down and look back at our relationship, you too will recall that our bad times outweigh the good. You have caused me tears, stress and moments of horrible anxiety. There are episodes that occurred throughout our courting that I do not care to EVER relive! That being said, I simply cannot go on like this any longer.

I'm not saying there weren't good times. Sure there were...

Two of my girlfriends gave birth to beautiful healthy babies, I witnessed a wedding of a lifelong friend, I reconnected with old friends, The Rays made it to The World Series (so what if they didn't win), I took a fabulous trip to Texas, I created a blog, I've beaten The Old Guy in tennis a time or two (OR THREE!) and Taco Tuesday was established.

When I look back on our relationship, those are the times I would like to remember. I will always hold those memories close to my heart. I hope you are able to do the same.

The time has come for us to move on 2008.

As of 11:59 pm tonight you and I are officially over!

I wish you well.

Life, Love & Lola


Ms. Florida Transplant said...

Happy New Year!

Very well said. :)

Stereos and Souffles said...

I couldn't wait to read this today-love it!

Anonymous said...

Great post! Soon the new year will be here and it's a fresh start. XOXO!

kat said...

WHEW!!!! For a minute there I thought you were breaking up with Chester Cheetah. I always thought you were a match made in heaven. Some couples are just meant to be. See ya after the breakup is official and the bloody marys are a flowin.

PaperCourt said...

You're awesome! Happy 2009!

Anonymous said...

miss you

Anonymous said...

YAY to new beginnings for you!!!! XOXO Happy new year!

FROGGITY! said...

hi! i read your blog fairly regularly but haven't commented in awhile... just wanted to stop by and say HAPPY NEW YEAR! cheers! :)

morewineplease said...


Here's to an amazing 2009

Tipsy Nikki said...

2008 can suck it! 2009 better bring it!
(oh it's already been brought it)

Live.Love.Eat said...

Hah!!! Very cute. See ya 08.