Monday, May 4, 2009

Half Way To Seventy...

Is what I will be tomorrow...

So a friend told me...NICE!

More like halfway to being one of "The Crazy Old People" I deal with on a daily basis...

I don't want to get old. I don't want to forget my teeth. I don't want to be "Off My Walker!!!"

We are only as old as we feel...Right??


kat said...

you may be halfway to 70 but with that rockin bod you still look 21. I love you old fart

Live.Love.Eat said...

Hah. I remember when I turned 35 I said the same thing, that I am halfway to 70. My friend thought it was so funny. Happy Birthday!!!!

PaperCourt said...

I'll always be younger than you :-)

Love you, LLL...have a great birthday!

texaslauren77 said...

Happy Birthday! Age is just a number, anyway!! Hope you have a great day!

Newlywed said...

Welcome to the dark side... it's not so bad! :) Happy Birthday! So glad to celebrate yet another year with the Pesh! xox

Molly said...

hApPy BiRtHdAy tO YoU!!!!!

you look hot for half way to seventy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

~Sandy said...

Just stopping by from SITS and wanted to say hello! I hope you are having a great day! Now I'm off to read more:)
Hugs, Sandy

Muffy Willowbrook said...

How old would you be if you DIDN'T know how old you are?

Think about it...

Life, Love And Lola said...

Rockin Bod??? Fine Wine??? Hot???

Thanks ladies!!!

Happy Cinco De Mayo to all of you!

Muffy, Good point! I'm 25!

Jan @ Struck by Serendipity said...

Happy Birthday!!!!

3L said...

Who care about age. Just enjoy life. You don't want to stay stagnate, what;s the point of being frozen in time. Just appreciate each moment and you will always feel confident about your age.

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