Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Gotta Love...

A head butt with your dog after a couple of drinks at the neighbors...


What gives?

Now I Have A Headache!

Don't we have enough shit on our plate?

Let me stick to head butting those I dislike...

ETA...Did I tell you I hate this private thing????????????


Molly said...

She is just mad you’re not taking her to Hawaii with you.

I’ll be head butting you on Sunday!!!!!

Hope your head feels better

PaperCourt said...


Life in Beverly Hills said...

Sorry. I've done that with Montana, Avery.....

Have fun in Hawaii. So jealous. Will you drink a froo-froo drink out of a coconut with an umbrella in it for me??? Pretty please with sugar on top? And extra booze too???

Newlywed said...

No need to be lonely... we are all still here minus the STBX - Less drama is gooood! No more head butting with Lola... you both have little beans but I think she's got a harder head!

FROGGITY! said...


Shannie said...

Lola??? Ouch!

Old Guy said...

Poor Lola!!