Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Time to go private

Stereos & Souffles here. No, it's not Friday. But I received a call tonight from LL&L that the anonymous asshole AKA -couldn't be an ex-husband soon enough- has threatened to blow up this lovely place and we just can't have that. So I logged on and set her to private in record time. I'm trying to make LL&L's transition a little easier and I've located your emails so that she doesn't get lonely during the transition.

If I could ring this complete waste of space's neck and get away with it, I'd be doing it right now. But since he's certainly not worth going to prison over, we'll just have to wait for karma to take care of him.

He's not out of her life yet, but at least he's out of her blog. Hip Hip Hooray!


Newlywed said...

He hasn't done enough already? Private is a great idea anyhow... we are too witty and good looking for him to be hanging around with us, LL&L! Keep smiling...hugs!

Life, Love And Lola said...

Love you S&S!!! You saved the day...Yet again!

Molly said...

WHOOP WHOOP!!! Nice job S&S!!

PaperCourt said...

Get that anonym-ASS out of here. Whoop whoop!

Jennifer's Morning Coffee Confessions said...

Thanks for giving me access to your private blog - I would have been so sad if I couldn't keep reading it!


Live.Love.Eat said...

Good friend you are S&S. Glad LLL has you!