Thursday, June 26, 2008


They Say If You Want The Rainbow You've Got To Put Up With The Rain...

We'll I'm over the damn rain!

I WANT MY RAINBOW NOW! Is that asking too much? I don't even want the pot of gold at the end...JUST MY RAINBOW!

I should have doubled up on my medication today.

Seeing my therapist tomorrow. Thank God!


Wendy Baubach said...

You're get your rainbow.....sometimes it's just gotta rain for days and days befor ethe colors can come through......I would have shared half my cucumber if I had known I you were so bummed....

Anonymous said...

can i have your gold???

I hope you feel better! xoxo

Wendy Baubach said...

LOL.....that's funny Shannie......

Anonymous said...

I too hope you feel better! Hugs to you!

Life, Love And Lola said...


The Gold is All YOURS.If you promise to use part of it on The Cabana Boy. Then I know we'll get a good one!

Life, Love And Lola said...


I needed the whole cucumber.

I'm just saying.