Monday, June 23, 2008

New Pet

Remember the situation a while back with the cranes? Well, one has falling in love with me. He's at my house EVERYDAY. Probably because I'm feeding him. I talk to him through the lanai and he appears to be listening. I'm his new bitch.

I named him Frasier. You get it right?



Anonymous said...

LMAO! Love it! Don't let Frasier peck your eyes out... He may seem friendly, but that's one big, giant ass bird!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha! I got it...too bad this crane doesn't have the body of a pool boy.

Anonymous said...

Give Lola a big hug. I'm feeling sappy about pets right now...

Lacy Rose said...

Frasier Crane! hehehe. Those birds are quite scary and I dunno about them. Dont trust him. He may attack!!!

Oh and I dont know the full story on why you miss your hubs but I just wanted to say I know the feeling. My DH is getting ready to leave for two months. (he is in the Navy) Hang in there chica!