Friday, February 27, 2009

For Molly...

Molly was a little late on the Q & A post. I'll forgive her though as she was very frazzled. You see she picked her daughter up from daycare and there was a note in her cubby that one of the children had head lice! She called me and was hysterically freaking out. She threatened to send bugs my way if I didn't answer her questions...

So here you go Molly...

1. What is the craziest thing you have ever done?

Probably jumping off the North Bridge in my bra & panties after partying at The Beach Club. That was just stupid! First of all I could have been arrested for indecent exposure. Second, I could have drowned. And last, do you know how many sharks there probably were all around me? DUMB! JUST DUMB!

2. To date what has your favorite job been?

This is easy! Bartending with you in college! Did we have fun or what? We made a butt load of money on our shifts together! Who doesn't love two hotties behind the bar!!

3. When you win the Lotto how much are you giving me?

Depends on how much you're giving me if you win.


Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

The lottery one is a good answer.

morewineplease said...

SHARKS!!!! Oh my!
Isnt crazy to look back at some of the insane things we did in our youth... now as a mom, I would totally freak out on my girls!

Muffy Willowbrook said...

I'm totally with you on the stupid stunts thing! There have been so many dumb things I've done while wasted - luckily I'm still here to talk about them....

Anonymous said...

Molly sounds fun! Is she close to Porchville? We'll have to hook up with her when I come down!

Life, Love And Lola said...


Molly is way fun! And only 20 minutes from Porchville! She also reacts very fast in emergency situations...Like fires for instance!

kat said...

sharks, drunk horny teenage boys. its a wonder we made it thru our teen years

Anonymous said...

What do you mean, made it thru our teens???? I am only 19!
Are you going to Happy Hour for Sally?? if so what time??

Stella's World said...

Who didn't jump off that bridge in bra and panites?-I just waited til I was 21! Besides-I'm shark proof! once you have a shark encounter-nothing scares you anymore!

Life, Love And Lola said...

COMET!!!! You jumped off that bridge in your bra & panties????

No wonder my Dad fell in love with you!

Stella's World said...

Oh yeah! I think about it alot when I run over that bridge. I recently thought about doing it again not long ago but figured I'd have a heart attack since the water's so cold- so I decided against it. I also figured I'd have a heart attack even if the water was warm.

PaperCourt said...

Molly was scared to jump off the bridge because she thought a bike would be under the water. A bike? Underwater in the intercoastal? Not likely :-)