Tuesday, July 29, 2008


I like being a wife.

I like being his wife.

I was meant to be a wife, and I think I've done a damn good job being one.

I'm not saying I've been "The Perfect Wife."

Although I'm close ;)

I just like being a wife.

Funny the things we realize while watching Great White Sharks fly through the air.

*ETA* I just want want to be a wife to someone who wants to be a husband, and wants me for his wife.


Always Organizing said...

You only deserve the best...

Anonymous said...

She's right - you only deserve the best and what will make you truly happy. You are the only one who can decide what is right for you! ((HUGS))

Ms. Florida Transplant said...

You'll be a great wife - you just have to find the guy that deserves such awesome treatment.

btw, I can't wait to watch the flying sharks! I TIVO'd it last night.

Anonymous said...

Yup, they said it, my friend. You deserve the best. And someone that appreciates you for all that you are... {{{HUGS}}}

Live.Love.Eat said...

>- martinis from here. Instead of hugs, I am sending you a martini, key lime with the graham crackers you requested. And I watched shark week last night. How terrifying was that for over half of the USS Indianapolis to have died when that ship went down. I missed the beginning but taped it to watch again.